"...more Dreadnoughts than any other Space Marine Chapter..."
I've had this in the back of my mind ever since that first press-release dropped and I finally got around to digging out the blu-tack and taking the picture :) I might have thought a librarian dreadnought would be as unlikely as this if it hadn't been for the official announcements!
I'd be interested in people coming up with stats for this thing, post your stat lines and special rules in the comments and I'll publish my favourite rules in a future post!
I'd love for people to run with this and create some more comedy dreadnoughts. First (imaginary) prize goes to the person who comes up with a fully painted Death Company Furioso Land Raider!
I've been really busy and haven't made much progress with the painting for a while but I'm determined to get somewhere before the Blood Angels codex drops. I didn't want the blog to die off in the meantime so I'm hoping this will provide a little light-hearted relief to tide it over until I can give the hobby some love :)