
A potato of jump packs

Is that the right collective term?  I'm not so sure.

I'm currently working on a 10 man assault squad and testing the paint scheme by starting with the jump packs.

This is how I've been handling/drying them:

It's actually worked quite well.  I drilled a tiny hole in each pack with a pin-vise and wedged in a cocktail stick; most of these have stayed put until the later rounds of drybrushing.

I've done this over a couple of evenings but I'm happy with the results and will be applying it to the marines soon.  It's a more subdued look than I've favoured in the past but it's in line with where I've been going recently style-wise.

It's also a lot faster.  I've not had much success painting batches before and end up spending too long on a single model.  I think this latest approach might actually get a me a decent shaded basecoat on the entire squad at under one hour per model.  I'm not sure how long the details will take but I'm planning on keeping that quick as well.  I'm pretty time-poor at the moment so the hobbying goes in stops and starts... mainly stops, so projects need to be quick and achievable.

The main time-sink is waiting for the washes to dry, the potato providing the perfect 'one night stand' that was required.  If it looks good, I might post about the method... if I don't let the blog die again!

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