
Perfect timing

I created this blog intending to give myself some incentive to build and paint my army.  Before I've even made my first post the new Blood Angels codex is announced.  What better to spur me on than the thought of having the core of my army assembled and painted just in time for the release of the new model ranges.

I am currently rediscovering the world of Warhammer after resurrecting a pile of miniatures and paints left hiding away in boxes for almost 10 years.  I first started playing 40k in my early teens during the 2nd edition era.  I went through the standard induction/indoctrination process: a curious visit to the store, playing a game of 40k with single tactical squad versus a horde of orks and gretchin accompanied by a paper thin deadnought, painting a miniature at the painting table and so on.

Then I was told about the games night and wanted to go along and bring a unit to the table.  What caught my eye was the Death Company boxed set which I picked up along with the back-issues of White Dwarf containing the rules.  These guys were frenzied killing machines who wouldn't die!  I put them together and painted them up knowing little of the advanced techniques I could be utilising, fortunately black is easy when you know nothing of highlights.  The chosen of Sanguinius succumbed to the black rage and came along to the games night.  I was hooked.  Thus I began with the Blood Angels and soon I was expecting a dreadnought in my Christmas stocking.

I am pleased to see that the hobby has founded a community on the web since I abandoned it.  Great painting, modelling, conversions, nostalgia, tactics, army lists and battle reports seem to be prevalent on blogs, forums and hobby sites.  Hopefully these are things I will feel inspired enough about to post my own experiences of them on this blog.  I've really loved digging out my old models and remembering when I got them, what made me buy them, the games they were involved in as well as the silly store politics to do with green bases and out-of-date miniatures.  With that in mind I'll probably end up making a slew of nostalgic posts about the slow growth of my collection as well as my attempts to build it into a well-formed army before adapting it to the new codex.

Thank you for reading my initial ramblings.

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